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Tile is the only asset on your balance sheet you can depreciate, but over time it will appreciate in value.


Over 1 million acres have been identified in the state of North Dakota to be affected by excess soil salts.

The management of our soils will determine the extent of the salinization and proper management with tile is an effective way to help rid your soil of the excess salt.

Over 90% of farmers in the state of North Dakota experience reduced productivity due to soil salinity.


20 Reasons to Tile

Higher Yields and improved crop quality

Precision field tile improves crop quantity and quality. Results from over 125 tile experiments show impressive increases attributed to subsurface tile: corn by 34%, alfalfa by 42%, soybeans by 29%, and wheat by 76%.

Faster Soil Warm-up

Tiled fields provide environmental advantage with a 5-15 degree increase in temperature. This land improvement shows that wet, cold soil is eliminated and surface evaporation is reduced.

Reduced Compaction

Tile for farms creates drier soil and reduces the risk of a compaction caused by working wet ground. Tiled fields stay un-compacted more reliably than non-tiled fields and as a result, produce greater yields.

Larger, Deeper Roots

The lowered water table created by subsurface water management causes root systems to seek deeper moisture and creates air and water channels. This results in better root growth and soil penetration that allows plants to extract more nutrients for longer.

Better Soil Aeration

Tile plows create soil that percolates better and allows more air and water to reach the roots. Like humans, plants need to breathe oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and the aeration channels allow the plants to do just that.

Favorable Environment

Removing the excess moisture, not the necessary moisture, creates an optimal environment for beneficial soil microorganisms and earthworms. These aerobic organisms are vital for plant growth and help make nitrogen and sulfur more accessible.

Reduced Yield Variation

Tile produces not only an increase in yield, but a reliable and consistent increase. A recent university study showed that un-tiled soil saw a 46% fluctuation in yield in comparison with tiled soil that only varied by 18%. Consistent yield allows for dependable cash flow.

More Days of Machinery Operation

The accelerated drying and warmer soil created by subsurface management with tile allows for earlier spring planting and longer fall operations. This dry soil limits compaction and facilitates timely post-emergence applications.

Longer Growing Seasons

Early planting in warm, dry fields gives plants the maximum opportunity to thrive and produces high yields.

Superior Soil Structure

Improper agricultural water management produces wet soil that is both difficult and deficient to cultivate. Tiled land allows for subsurface water management that promotes soil health through soil granulation and root interaction with water and air. The resultant porous soil retains necessary water for optimal growing.

Increased Dry Year Yield

Deeper roots enable plants to withstand summer droughts. Because tile plows create soil with lower water tables and allow for earlier spring planting, roots have the chance to grow deep and strong to obtain valuable nutrients before late-summer climate stress.

Reduced Nitrogen Loss

Tile creates dry soil that is optimal for nitrogen utilization and thriving aerobic organisms. Because nitrogen is one of the most expensive inputs, reduced loss allows you to save money and produce better crops.

Consistent Seed Stands

With tile plows, you create dry, warm soil, not mud. Consequently there is a reduced incidence of seeds rotting before germination and better stands are achieved. Good, even stands provide a solid beginning for dynamic seasons and top yields.

Toxin Removal

Tiling cleanses soil. Toxic substances, disease-causing organisms, and dangerously high levels of iron and manganese are removed through better subsurface water management and improved aeration.

Reduced Erosion

Enhanced subsurface water management creates soil that can hold extra rainfall, reducing run-off and allowing absorption. This erosion-control maintains both fertility level and soil structure.

One-Time Expense

A quality tile plow, such as the Soil-Max Gold Digger, is a one-time investment that produces results year after year. Seed, fertilizer, and chemical costs compound yearly and machinery breaks and requires replacement, but tiled soil causes a ripple-effect advantage that increases yield and profit for years to come.

Top End Profit

It’s been said, “Good farmers farm good ground.” Tiling turns farms into “good ground.” Because the cost to farm 120 bu/ac versus 170 bu/ac is virtually the same, the advantages created by tiling allow you to farm more land with less input and cultivate overall bigger profits.

Lower Drying Costs

Subsurface water management allows crops to grow and mature faster and reduces the necessary drying time in the fall.

Lower “Break Even Price Per Bushel”

With the same input and fixed costs, tiled fields allow for greater yield and thus lower the break even price.

Lower Machinery Costs

As machinery costs rise, it is important to use technology efficiently and effectively. Tiled land allows farmers to be in the fields for more days and for longer during the day during the crop season and harvest. This efficiency advantage allows farmers to do more with less equipment.

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